Contact Vince

See for information about Vince's services.

I provide the most intensive, effective MBA interview preparation service in the world. My interview coaching clients get results because I help them figure out what to say (logical content), and how to say it (impressive delivery).

I teach some of the world's top engineers and scientists at The University of Tokyo how to present their ideas on paper and in person.

I am a professional stage actor who has performed with The American Shakespeare Center.
At Stanford, I studied improv theatre with Patricia Ryan Madson, who has taught everyone from college students to Silicon Valley executives from companies like Google how to tell believable stories.

I provide one-hour mock interview sessions with feedback. I also provide extended multi-hour training. We begin with an initial diagnostic mock interview, which helps me determine your strengths and weaknesses. In subsequent sessions, we can work on strategy, answer modeling, and mock interviewing.

For Vince's latest tips, plus service details, please go here. Then, please contact Vince when you are ready to start your preparation.

Sunday, October 24, 2010


1. Please read Vince's interview blog:

2. Please prepare and practice your answers to the following core topics, which you will also practice in front of Vince and other seminar participants
    * self-introduction (two styles: WMTYR and TMAY, see Vince's blog for details)
    * keywords and examples of your strengths and weaknesses
    * keywords and examples of your teamwork and leadership styles
    * why MBA / goals / why now / why school x (in this case, Kellogg!)
    * how you plan to contribute to school x
    * questions you plan to ask your school x interviewer

3. Please email Vince your answers to the following three questions the night before our class
    * What are your biggest concerns about your interviews?
    * What specific (types of) questions scare you the most?
    * How else can Vince help you prepare for and pass your interviews?

Please refer to previously asked FAQs here

4. Please print and bring 5 copies of your resume to the class

5. You are also welcome to bring a voice recorder, but please note that all information presented in the class is completely confidential. Thanks in advance for your understanding and cooperation.

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