Contact Vince

See for information about Vince's services.

I provide the most intensive, effective MBA interview preparation service in the world. My interview coaching clients get results because I help them figure out what to say (logical content), and how to say it (impressive delivery).

I teach some of the world's top engineers and scientists at The University of Tokyo how to present their ideas on paper and in person.

I am a professional stage actor who has performed with The American Shakespeare Center.
At Stanford, I studied improv theatre with Patricia Ryan Madson, who has taught everyone from college students to Silicon Valley executives from companies like Google how to tell believable stories.

I provide one-hour mock interview sessions with feedback. I also provide extended multi-hour training. We begin with an initial diagnostic mock interview, which helps me determine your strengths and weaknesses. In subsequent sessions, we can work on strategy, answer modeling, and mock interviewing.

For Vince's latest tips, plus service details, please go here. Then, please contact Vince when you are ready to start your preparation.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Interview criteria

What are they looking for?


1. English Ability
  • Comprehension
  • Conversational Ability
2. Interpersonal Skills
  • Maturity
  • Team Skills
  • Communication Skills
  • Listening Skills
3. Impact on Student Life
4. Career Progression
5. Career Focus
6. Intellectual Ability
7. Leadership Potential
8. Overall impression of applicant

(as of 2002)

1. Personal Presentation and Communication Skills 
Is the applicant poised, energetic, nervous, articulate, perceptive, enthusiastic etc.?

2. Leadership/Teamwork Skills 
Ask the candidate about leadership style, examples of taking taking initiative, effectiveness in a team, etc.

3. Goals 
What are the candidate’s post-MBA goals? Are they realistic?

4. Knowledge of and interest in CBS 
Is the applicant aware of CBS’s program? 
What is his or her level of commitment to CBS in comparison to other schools? Where else did he or she apply?

5. Red Flags 
Any concerns or possible problems? Please give examples.

6. Points of Interest/Strengths 
What, if any, unique qualities or experiences make this candidate stand out?

7. Recommendation 
Would you want the applicant as a classmate or colleague? 
Consider intellectual ability, contribution to the program, hirability, and commitment to CBS

Communication / English Language Skills 
Team Skills   (from your interpretations of essays / interview)
  • Proactive contributor to teams/groups?      
  • Thinks about how teams work together and succeed?    
  • Understands contribution he/she makes to teams?     
  • Has insight into his/her weaknesses as team member?    
  • Able to resolve personal conflicts between self and others?   
  • Helps to resolve personal conflicts between others?    
Leadership Skills
  • Level of insight into their own leadership style?     
  • Grasp of own leadership strengths / weaknesses?     
  • Has identified some leadership development goal(s)?    
  • Able to see themselves as future business leader?    
Motivation/Drive and Energy   
  • Estimated level of motivation / drive?      
  • Has long-term career and personal goals?      
  • Manages self to sustain energy levels?      
Intellectual Skills
  • Evidence of strategic perspective?       
  • Able to analyse/evaluate business situations?     
  • Has own ideas?         
  • Able to link ideas and communicate concepts?     
  • Original approach to problems?       
International Perspective
  • Exposure to cultural diversity?      
  • Interest in people with different backgrounds / perspectives?   
  • Aware of positive/negative impact of cultural diversity?     
Expectations and Interest in LBS MBA
  • Convinced you of strong interest in taking an MBA?     
  • Convinced you of strong interest in LBS MBA specifically?    
LBS Contribution and ‘Fit’ - In your view:
  • Did the candidate ask good/relevant questions?     
  • Do you think this candidate will contribute to the LBS MBA?   
  • Will the candidate work well with a group?      
  • Will the candidate contribute to the Campus Community? (clubs etc)  
  • Is LBS the right choice for this candidate?      
Post MBA Career Objectives: What does the candidate wish to achieve by doing an MBA? (tick more than one if applicable)
  • Vertical move
  • Change career direction
  • Run own company 
  • Move into consulting
  • Move into banking
  • Move into industry
More links here (not interview specific, but still helpful)

HBS Admissions Criteria

Genuine business talent cannot be narrowly defined. Instead of looking for an "ideal" candidate, HBS invites MBA applicants who exhibit a variety of skills, accomplishments, and temperaments. The true common characteristics of our students are demonstrated leadership potential and a capacity to thrive in a rigorous academic environment.

Indeed, to create the most stimulating environment possible for all students, we consciously select a diverse student body, one that not only reflects a variety of backgrounds, cultures, and nationalities, but a wide range of personal interests and professional ambitions.

A Habit of Leadership

We recognize — and welcome — leadership that may be expressed in many forms, from college extracurricular activities to academic or business achievements, from personal accomplishments to community commitments. We appreciate leadership on any scale as well, from organizing a classroom to directing a combat squad, from running an independent business to spearheading initiatives at work. In essence, we are looking for evidence of your potential - a portfolio of experiences, initiatives, and accomplishments that reflect a habit of leadership.

Capacity for Intellectual Growth

Harvard Business School is a demanding, fast-paced, and highly-verbal environment. We look for individuals who will thrive on sophisticated ideas and lively discussion. Our case-based method of learning depends upon the active participation of prepared students who can assess, analyze, and act upon complex information within often-ambiguous contexts. The MBA Admissions Board will review your prior academic performance, the results of the GMAT or GRE, and, if applicable, TOEFL IBT and/or IELTS, and the nature of your work experience. There is no particular previous course of study required to apply; you must, however, demonstrate the ability to master analytical and quantitative concepts.

Engaged Community Citizenship

So much of our MBA experience - including the case method, section life, and student-organized events - requires the active collaboration of the entire HBS community. That's why we look for students who exhibit the highest ethical standards and respect for others, and can make positive contributions to the MBA Program. The right candidates must be eager to share their experiences, support their colleagues, and teach as well as learn from their peers.
Please note that there is no minimum work experience requirement for the MBA Program. Successful candidates are able to demonstrate strength in the criteria outlined above, regardless of their number of years of work experience. They include college seniors with significant leadership experience, as well as individuals with as little as one to two years of full-time work experience.
It is important for you to assess your own readiness when deciding when to apply.
